Support Community-Led Unarmed Crisis Response

TAKE ACTION TO SUPPORT THE CROS PROPOSAL The Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice works toward non-violence in our communities, knowing that this can only be achieved through genuine racial and economic equity and justice and by uprooting systems of oppression. Many in our communities Read more…

Emergency Action: Sunday, January 16th, at the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility at 12pm

Emergency Action, Sunday, January 16th, at the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility, at 12pm. It’s located at 3201 Bemis Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.Conditions at Michigan’s one prison for women have been problematic long before COVID. Overcrowding, lack of access to mental health and adequate medical services, lack of programming, major staffing shortages which lead to fatigue and outright abuse, antiquated buildings, sewage & heating and cooling systems, and more have plagued Women’s Huron Valley for years.

How Can Ann Arbor Move to 100% Renewable Energy?

Article written by Jan Wright & Joyce SteinMoving to 100% renewable energy is essential for carbon neutrality!It’s seemingly impossible due to DTE’s energy mix and current State laws.But now there are two active possibilities for solving this dilemma! Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) is a new Read more…

U.S. Guns & Militarism in Mexico: John Lindsay-Poland 2022 Latin America Caucus Speaker Series Launches January 11th

Register for the (online) event here:  There is no cost for these events, but your donations to ICPJ help us to be able to continue this work of educating and mobilizing in our communities.  John has written about, researched and organized action for human rights Read more…

Warrant Resolution Day

by Donnell Wyche, Senior Pastor Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor & Past President ICPJ We had an amazing time at the Warrant Resolution event on Tuesday at the Freighthouse in Ypsilanti. After 12 months of planning, including recruiting 40 volunteers, we launched our first warrant Read more…

Join ICPJ for the #DriveSAFE Brown Bag Wednesday, October 20th, 12pm-1pm

Join us for a brief zoom meeting – to provide all the information you need to know about the #DriveSAFE effort to restore drivers’ licenses for all Michiganders, including undocumented immigrants. Registration required here. We all want the right to care for our loved Read more…

Rally in Lansing to Support Second Look Legislation | Thursday, October 14th 12-3pm

Second Look legislation creates a pathway for sentencing judges to review cases to evaluate if people who have been in prison for 10 years or longer are a danger to the community. More information:

Warrant Resolution Day: Sign Up to Volunteer for Tuesday, November 16th

The Warrant Resolution Project is a community-based restorative justice initiative in partnership with ICPJ seeking to create a safer community by assisting residents with information, education, and solutions to outstanding warrants before the courts in Washtenaw County. On Tuesday, November 16th, in cooperation with the Read more…

Faith-Based Climate Witness in Ann Arbor Monday, October 18th | 11:30am

Keep Oil in the Ground, not in the Water Ann Arbor Friends Meeting (Quakers) invites you to bear peaceful witness to the urgency of the climate crisis. We will gather at 11:30am in the parking lot behind Blake Transit Center (William St), walk together around noon to Read more…

2021 ICPJ Harvest Dinner

Traditionally, the harvest is a time of intense labor, gathering the final yield of the year’s labors, followed by a celebration. We had hoped to gather together in person this year to celebrate and honor the amazing work that has been done, however with ongoing Read more…

Action Alert: Support Anthony Hamilton and his mom, Cynthia Harrison

Background article in Politico, “How a Liberal Michigan Town Is Putting Mental Illness at the Center of Police Reform” by Lynette Clemetson about Anthony Hamilton and his contact with the criminal legal system in Washtenaw County.…/police-reform-mental-health… Here are four things we can do to Read more…

She Took Justice: The Black Woman, Law, and Power 1619 to 1969 with Professor Gloria J. Browne Marshall

Co-sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.®, Delta Psi Omega Chapter, the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, and the NAACP, Ann Arbor Chapter Wednesday, June 30, 2021 ~ 7:00 8:30 p.m. via ZoomREGISTER HERE “The Black Woman is extraordinary. These true stories reveal courage in the Read more…

Paint in the Park with Rachel Montgomery: ICPJ Fundraiser June 27, 2-4 pm

Paint in the Park with Rachel Montgomery: ICPJ Fundraiser June 27, 2-4 pm

Join ICPJ for our first FUNdraiser of the year! We will have Ypsilanti artist, Rachel Montgomery, lead us as we paint our own art replication of one of her pieces. There will be time to meet and mingle with other guests and to enjoy the Read more…

#DriveSAFE Week of Action May 17th – May 21st

ICPJ is a member of Drive Michigan Forward (DMF) — a coalition made up of immigrants and allies. Our goal is to restore driver’s licenses to all and pave the way for basic dignity and security for members of our community.More information here. There are six important requests that we are making Read more…

ICPJ’s 2021 Annual Meeting

Sunday, May 23rd, 3 – 5 pm (Remote) Registration Required: (link is case sensitive) Click here to see the bios of Board member candidates nominated by the current ICPJ Board during its March 2021 Board meeting. Voting will take place during the Annual Meeting, Read more…

Compassionate Community Conversations:

Flores Exhibit, with Voices of Youth in Border DetentionMay 6th, 6:30 pm Registration Required Here: (case sensitive)

Safety in the Time of Surveillance: Ban the Scan Ann Arbor Town Hall

Safety in the Time of Surveillance: Ban the Scan Ann Arbor Town Hall

Join us on Thursday, April 29 from 7-8:30 to learn about the dangers of facial recognition technology and to join efforts to ban its use in Ann Arbor. Register at For more information visit

Films & Discussion on the Indigenous Struggle to Protect the Amazon

Tuesday, May 11th | 7-8:30pm Screening of two short films: Brazil: Guardians of the Amazon and Brazil: Impunity in the Amazon, followed by discussion with Ethan ShirleyRegistration Required here. The Guardians of the Forest set fire to the equipment of illegal loggers in a bid to protect their ancestral homelands. Read more…

US Border Patrol Racial Profiling in Michigan #100MileZone

The ACLU Of Michigan has released their report: The Border’s Long Shadow How Border Patrol Uses Racial Profiling and Local and State Police to Target and Instill Fear in Michigan’s Immigrant Communities. The report shows how U.S. Border Patrol, an agency within the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Read more…