Film & Discussion: Colombia in My Arms, Part II | Tuesday, April 13th 7-8:30 pm
In this second part of a two-part documentary, different sectors of Colombian society give their perspectives after the peace agreement.

We will screen the second half of the film by Jenni Kivisto & Jussi Rastas featuring interviews with FARC guerrillas about to hand over their weapons, coca farmers trying to make a living, politicians and the aristocracy sharing their perspectives after the Colombian peace agreement was signed.
We will be joined by Elvira Sanchez-Blake. She obtained her PhD in Hispanic Literature and Latin American Studies at Cornell University and held academic appointments at Cornell and Michigan State University. A journalist, academic and writer, she authored numerous publications, including Spiral of Silence, a testimonial novel that breaks thirty-year silence about the traumatizing impact of Colombia’s civil war, and centers on the experiences of women who move through hopelessness, loss, and grief during this volatile era in Latin American history.