Car Caravan for Housing & Criminal Justice Reform January 11th — 10:30am in Lansing
The Poor People’s Campaign of Michigan and the PPC Lansing Chapter invites advocates and allies across Southern Michigan to participate in the first PPC Moral Monday event of 2021 – a car caravan at the State Capital calling for fair housing for the poor and criminal justice reform. The specific calls for action target Ingham County, so this Washtenaw County’s chance to stand with our Lansing friends to help them get action on housing and criminal justice reform. Michigan has momentum to build on!

Cars are gathering at 10:30 am at Union Missionary Baptist Church (500 S. MLK Jr. BLVD) in Lansing before caravanning downtown. And please help by getting out the word. Even if people can’t participate, they can hear that housing and criminal justice reform are still social justice priorities for 2021. Here’s the link to the organizers’ facebook page: