Month: October 2021

Join ICPJ for the #DriveSAFE Brown Bag Wednesday, October 20th, 12pm-1pm

Join us for a brief zoom meeting – to provide all the information you need to know about the #DriveSAFE effort to restore drivers’ licenses for all Michiganders, including undocumented immigrants. Registration required here. We all want the right to care for our loved Read more…

Rally in Lansing to Support Second Look Legislation | Thursday, October 14th 12-3pm

Second Look legislation creates a pathway for sentencing judges to review cases to evaluate if people who have been in prison for 10 years or longer are a danger to the community. More information:

Warrant Resolution Day: Sign Up to Volunteer for Tuesday, November 16th

The Warrant Resolution Project is a community-based restorative justice initiative in partnership with ICPJ seeking to create a safer community by assisting residents with information, education, and solutions to outstanding warrants before the courts in Washtenaw County. On Tuesday, November 16th, in cooperation with the Read more…