A Short History of Structural Racism Series

A Short History of Structural Racism Series

Registration Required: givebutter.com/StructuralRacismSeries2025 Join us for this series led by Ayo Magwood, an educational consultant specializing in ideologically-neutral, evidence-based, and solution-oriented education on historical and structural racism, Asian and Latinx racialization, and interracial conflict and cooperation. Join the sessions you are able to attend through the Read more…

Intro to ICPJ & Potluck Gathering ~ March 3rd 6pm

Intro to ICPJ & Potluck Gathering ~ March 3rd 6pm

Are you looking for a welcoming, affirming community that centers racial, economic, and environmental justice? Are you interested in building community resiliency — meeting needs now and organizing for the structural changes we need for the future? Are you concerned about the direction of our Read more…

Stop the Coup: Workshop to Build Local Resistance & Resilience

Stop the Coup: Workshop to Build Local Resistance & Resilience

Saturday, March 22nd 1pm-5pm Register here: https://givebutter.com/StopTheCoup In 2020 ICPJ hosted a series of virtual workshops, “Keys to Winning Against a Coup.” We find ourselves again in need of fortifying ourselves against the threat of a government takeover. The workshop will cover the “Pillars of Read more…

A Deep Dive into the Sheriff’s Budget: Civic Education and Strategy Session

A Deep Dive into the Sheriff’s Budget: Civic Education and Strategy Session

ICPJ recruited a Michigan Justice Fellow with grant support from the Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan. {Rescheduled Date!} On Monday, February 24th from 6-8 pm at 16 S. Washington in Ypsilanti, Corn Williams and Kat Layton will share information about what they learned while going Read more…

Join a Circle!

Join a Circle!

We are excited to share our plans as we shift into a new structure and culture of collaboration. ICPJ is really a network and we are making our internal and external work align with that vision. One part of that is that launching of our Read more…

Advocate for Krystal’s Life!

Krystal’s plea to us all is clear: “Help me save my life. Fight with me. Fight to win.”Support Krystal. Help bring her story to the world. Krystal Clark, incarcerated at Michigan’s Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility (WHV), which she calls “the Valley of Death” is suffering Read more…

Support Drive SAFE in Lame Duck

As Michigan’s legislative session enters its final weeks, we need to push elected officials to act with courage and urgency. In order to do that, we need all of us. Please help pressure our elected officials to move the Drive SAFE bills (HB 4410, 4411, Read more…

REJ Town Hall with Alyshia Dyer, Sheriff-Elect

Thursday, December 5th, 6-8pm Registration required: https://givebutter.com/REJTownHall With a new Sheriff’s administration starting January 1, 2025 there is an important opportunity for the community to be in involved in supporting accountability from the start. The VOTE Caucus published a Racial and Economic Justice Questionnaire in Read more…

Connecting in Community

A supportive gathering to process grief, fear & anger

2024 ICPJ Harvest Dinner

Autumn is a beautiful season to gather in supportive and warm community, to share stories, and to reflect upon & celebrate our movement’s growth. We gather despite difficult times ~ with love and the dream that we can build community resilience that reflects our values Read more…

Community Conversations Design Our Resiliency Hub Network

Monday, September 16th ~ 5:30-7:30pm Growing Hope: 16 S. Washington, Ypsi Please RSVP: https://givebutter.com/ResiliencyHubsConvo3 Join us for the third in a series of three community conversations to vision, plan, and identify resources for creating a Resiliency Hub Network at the neighborhood and local levels. As Read more…

ICPJ Hiring:Michigan Justice Fellow

Application Due: September 12thMJF Fellowship 2024 Application Form Here Online Information SessionMonday, September 9th, 4:30pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89470600811?pwd=PRHm8GjjpanwaYmsEn10jsnDzoGPi8.1 Scope of Work for the MJF:– Analyze Washtenaw County General Budget and Sheriff Budget documents provided through a FOIA request– Develop Popular Education materials– Create spaces for community learning Read more…

Charlie King and Rick Burkhardt ICPJ Benefit Concert October 26th!

Trying to keep your sanity in this season of political chaos? Join us for an evening of edgy harmonies, incendiary lyrics, and theatrical hijinks with Charlie King and Rick Burkhardt in a benefit concert for the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice on Saturday, October 26, at 7:30 pm, at Read more…

Housing is a Human Right: Candidate Forum

Video link: https://bit.ly/ICPJHousing

Washtenaw County Sheriff Candidates on Racial & Economic Justice

ICPJ’s VOTE Caucus 2024 Questionnaire Ken Magee Share 3 words that describe your leadership within the justice movement: Compassion, Integrity, and Innovation How do you define racial and economic justice and what would it look like in your office? Racial and Economic Justice are tenants Read more…

Community Conversations: Design a Resiliency Hub Network

Please RSVP: https://givebutter.com/ResiliencyHubsConvo1

ICPJ is Hiring: Administrative & Finance Coordinator

The Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice (ICPJ) centers racial and economic justice as we address the root causes of violence from oppression, poverty, environmental devastation, patriarchy, and war. We wage love and practice nonviolence in all its forms through education, community organizing, advocacy, and Read more…

Candidate Forum: Housing is a Human Right

Candidate Forum: Housing is a Human Right

On May 30th from 5:30-7:30 pm, join candidates from local to national races as they share how the elected office they seek interfaces with housing issues, and what they will commit to doing on this issue if elected. Register here: https://givebutter.com/Housing_Is_A_Human_Right_May30th The Voters Organizing Through Engagement (VOTE) Read more…

Extractive Industry & Environmental/Human Rights

Speaker: Dr. Alejandro Artiga-Purcell Tuesday, May 14th @ 7pm (virtual) Join us as the Latin America Caucus of ICPJ continues our 2024 Speaker Series with speaker Dr. Alejandro Artiga-Purcell, Assistant Professor in the Communication Studies Department at San José State University. Registration RequiredRegistration is free, donations gratefully accepted:https://givebutter.com/LAC_Series_Environmental_Human_Rights Read more…

An Introduction to the Washtenaw Equity Partnership Report

An Introduction to the Washtenaw Equity Partnership Report

ICPJ hosted an introduction to the report that the Wastenaw Equity Partnership put out last year. You can watch the video here. You can also sign up for an action team to work on one of these campaigns: Driving Equality Ordinance Overdose Prevention Center Unarmed Read more…